Somos mais criativos para ajudar os outros do que nós mesmos

Posted in Variedades by Desirée on março 4, 2011

“If we want to make better decisions, make faster decisions, have a more realistic picture of our strengths and weaknesses, and now, apparently, be more creative, we need to ask others for their opinions and assistance.”

E, de repente, muita coisa fez sentido na minha vida.

Twitter, essa folia

Posted in Tecnologia, Variedades, Web by mari messias on junho 25, 2010

Um estudo acaba de concluir que as redes sociais afetam o cérebro de maneira similar aquela que rola quando ficamos enamorados. Oooun ❤

Neuroeconomist Paul Zak has discovered, for the first time, that social networking triggers the release of the generosity-trust chemical in our brains. And that should be a wake-up call for every company.